Scare Us (DVD)
A chilling horror anthology comprised of five short stories, penned by an unlikely group of aspiring writers, in Sugarton - a small town plagued by the apparent return of an infamous serial killer, dubbed "Cutthroat." They've come to share their scary stories - with each other and the bookstore owner, Peter (Tom Sandoval), who leads the group, but soon discover they've become the stars of a sick killer's own twisted tale.
- Ryan Henry Johnston - Director
- Charlotte Lilt - Director
- Tom J McCoy - Director
- Carl Jensen IV - Director
- Jordan Pillar - Director
- Ryan Kjolberg - Director
- Tom Sandoval - Actor
- Charlotte Lilt - Actor
- Michael Alvarez - Actor
- Ethan Drew - Actor
- Michelle Palermo - Actor
- Omar Veluz - Actor
- Desiree Srinivas - Actor
- William Kenny - Actor
- Jason Wiechert - Producer
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